How does rising atmospheric CO2 affect marine organisms?

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Volume 13 Number 20:  19 May 2010

The Response of Tundra Vegetation to High Arctic Warming: Has it been positive or negative over the past quarter-century of what climate alarmists describe as a period of unprecedented global warming, especially in the Arctic?

Medieval Warm Period Record of the Week
This issue's Medieval Warm Period Record of the Week comes from Southwestern Tver Province, Russia.

Subject Index Summary
Roots (Grasses): How might the roots of various species of grass respond to further global warming and continued increases in the air's CO2 content?

Journal Reviews
Russian Academician Postulates a Seismicity-Climate Connection: Could earthquakes beneath the sea be the ultimate cause of climate change?

Fifteen Hundred Years of Climatic Oscillations in Southern Poland: What do they tell us about the relative warmth of the Medieval and Current Warm Periods?

The Three Major Determinants of Terrestrial Isoprene Emissions: What are they? ... how have they affected isoprene emissions over the course of the 20th century? ... and why do we care?

Rice Production and the Looming Water Crisis: How are the two related? ... and what's CO2 got to do with it?

Warming-Induced Mismatches of Breeding in Insectivorous Passerine Birds and Abundance of Prey for their Hatchlings: Do such mismatches occur in nature? ... or are they merely theoretical suppositions?