300, 600 and 900 ppm Increases in the Air's CO2 Concentration:
For a more detailed description of this table, click here.
Zea mays L. [Corn]
300 ppm
600 ppm
900 ppm
Number of Results |
Arithmetic Mean |
Standard Error |
Experimental Conditions
300 ppm
600 ppm
900 ppm
Ali (2008) |
Well watered and fertilized plants grown from seed to maturity in the field in open-top chambers in air that was charcoal filtered (CF, to remove ozone)
Ali (2008) |
Well watered and fertilized plants grown from seed to maturity in the field in open-top chambers in air that was not charcoal filtered (NF) to remove ozone
Allen Jr. et al. (2011) |
Plants grown from seed in pots placed within sunlit controlled-environment chambers for 39 days with daily irrigation (well-watered, WW), with biomass determinations being made 34 days after sowing
Allen Jr. et al. (2011) |
Plants grown from seed in pots placed within sunlit controlled-environment chambers with irrigation being withheld from half of the plants starting 26 days after sowing (drought-stressed, DS), with biomass determinations being made 34 days after sowing
De Graff et al., (2007) |
Shoot biomass (cultivated subspecies) of well watered plants grown from seed for four weeks within controlled-environment chambers in 0.25-l containers filled with a silt loam soil
De Graff et al., (2007) |
Root biomass (cultivated subspecies) of well watered plants grown from seed for four weeks within controlled-environment chambers in 0.25-l containers filled with a silt loam soil
De Graff et al., (2007) |
Shoot biomass (two wild types) of well watered plants grown from seed for four weeks within controlled-environment chambers in 0.25-l containers filled with a silt loam soil
De Graff et al., (2007) |
Root biomass (two wild types) of well watered plants grown from seed for four weeks within controlled-environment chambers in 0.25-l containers filled with a silt loam soil
Goudriaan and de Ruiter (1983) |
pots, greenhouse
Imai and Murata (1979) |
Adequately watered plants grown from seed in pots containing 0.5 kg of soil and 2.5 g of chemical fertilizer for 10 to 15 days after emergence and then transferred to growth chambers for five additional days of growth at low light (27 lux) and at low day/night temperatures (23/20°C)
20% |
Imai and Murata (1979) |
Adequately watered plants grown from seed in pots containing 0.5 kg of soil and 2.5 g of chemical fertilizer for 10 to 15 days after emergence and then transferred to growth chambers for five additional days of growth at low light (27 lux) and at high day/night temperatures (28/23°C)
25% |
Imai and Murata (1979) |
Adequately watered plants grown from seed in pots containing 0.5 kg of soil and 2.5 g of chemical fertilizer for 10 to 15 days after emergence and then transferred to growth chambers for five additional days of growth at high light (48 lux) and at low day/night temperatures (23/20°C)
21% |
Imai and Murata (1979) |
Adequately watered plants grown from seed in pots containing 0.5 kg of soil and 2.5 g of chemical fertilizer for 10 to 15 days after emergence and then transferred to growth chambers for five additional days of growth at high light (48 lux) and at high day/night temperatures (28/23°C)
37% |
Khan et al. (2020) |
Total dry biomass of first generation CO2-exposed plants grown in open-top chambers for 30 days; cv Harsha
Khan et al. (2020) |
Total dry biomass of second generation CO2-exposed plants grown in open-top chambers for 30 days; cv Harsha
Kim et al. (2006) |
Well-watered and fertilized plants grown from seed to developmental stage R3 (milky ripe stage, 70 days after planting) in sunlit soil-plant-atmosphere research (SPAR) chambers
King and Greer (1986) |
pots (22 liter), growth chamber, low water stress
23% |
King and Greer (1986) |
pots (22 liter), growth chamber, moderate water stress
30% |
King and Greer (1986) |
pots (22 liter), growth chamber, severe water stress
46% |
Manderscheid et al. (2014) |
Plants grown from seed to maturity out-of-doors under optimum (WET) soil moisture conditions in a FACE study
Manderscheid et al. (2014) |
Plants grown from seed to maturity out-of-doors under insufficient (DRY) soil moisture conditions in a FACE study
Manderscheid et al. (2014) |
Grain biomass of plants grown from seed to maturity out-of-doors under insufficient (DRY) soil moisture conditions in a FACE study
Mark and Tevini (1997) |
growth chamber, 13 days
Mark and Tevini (1997) |
growth chamber, 18 days
Maroco et al. (1999) |
Plexiglass chamber
16% |
Maurya et al. (2019) |
Total plant biomass at harvest of well-watered and fertilized plants grown in a FACE environment with CO2 enrichment applied for only 8 hours per day; cv PEHM-5
Maurya et al. (2019) |
Total plant biomass at harvest of well-watered and fertilized plants grown in a FACE environment with CO2 enrichment applied for only 8 hours per day; cv SMH-3031
Morison and Gifford (1984) |
pots (3.2 kg soil)
Phillips et al. (2006) |
Plants grown from seed for five days with their roots in Fahraeus solution in wide-mouth quart jars in growth chambers
Rogers et al. (1983) |
pots (15.5 liter), field, open-top chambers
52% |
Rogers et al. (1983) |
pots (16.5 liter), field, open-top chambers
60% |
Vanaja et al. (2011) |
Plants grown from seed to maturity in open-top chambers out-of-doors one to each 5-L pot filled with ~6.5 kg of red soil maintained at 80% (well-watered, WW) of soil water content at field capacity
Vanaja et al. (2011) |
Plants grown from seed to maturity in open-top chambers out-of-doors one to each 5-L pot filled with ~6.5 kg of red soil maintained at 50% (drought-stressed, DS) of soil water content at field capacity
Vanaja et al. (2015) |
Harvestable grain yield of well-watered and fertilized plants grown from seeding to harvest at Hyderabad, India, out-of-doors in the field within open-top chambers made of transparent PVC sheeting having a 90% transmittance of light; cv DHM-117
Vanaja et al. (2015) |
Harvestable grain yield of well-watered and fertilized plants grown from seeding to harvest at Hyderabad, India, out-of-doors in the field within open-top chambers made of transparent PVC sheeting having a 90% transmittance of light; cv Varun
Vanaja et al. (2015) |
Harvestable grain yield of well-watered and fertilized plants grown from seeding to harvest at Hyderabad, India, out-of-doors in the field within open-top chambers made of transparent PVC sheeting having a 90% transmittance of light; cv Harsha
Watts-Williams et al. (2019) |
Shoot plus root dry weight at maturity of well-watered plants grown in controlled environment chambers with no P supply added and with inoculation of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi; cv B73
5% |
Watts-Williams et al. (2019) |
Shoot plus root dry weight at maturity of well-watered plants grown in controlled environment chambers with no P supply added and without inoculation of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi; cv B73
33% |
Watts-Williams et al. (2019) |
Shoot plus root dry weight at maturity of well-watered plants grown in controlled environment chambers with 15 mg kg-1 of P supply added and with inoculation of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi; cv B73
17% |
Watts-Williams et al. (2019) |
Shoot plus root dry weight at maturity of well-watered plants grown in controlled environment chambers with 15 mg kg-1 of P supply added and without inoculation of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi; cv B73
18% |
Watts-Williams et al. (2019) |
Shoot plus root dry weight at maturity of well-watered plants grown in controlled environment chambers with 90 mg kg-1 of P supply added and with inoculation of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi; cv B73
10% |
Watts-Williams et al. (2019) |
Shoot plus root dry weight at maturity of well-watered plants grown in controlled environment chambers with 90 mg kg-1 of P supply added and without inoculation of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi; cv B73
28% |
Whipps (1985) |
jars (0.9 liter)
Wijewardana et al. (2016) |
Total plant dry matter 38 days after planting of well-watered and fertilized plants grown in controlled environment chambers; cv P1498
Wijewardana et al. (2016) |
Total plant dry matter 38 days after planting of well-watered and fertilized plants grown in controlled environment chambers; cv P1319
Wijewardana et al. (2016) |
Total plant dry matter 38 days after planting of well-watered and fertilized plants grown in controlled environment chambers; cv DKC 65-81
Wijewardana et al. (2016) |
Total plant dry matter 38 days after planting of well-watered and fertilized plants grown in controlled environment chambers; cv DKC 66-97
Wijewardana et al. (2016) |
Total plant dry matter 38 days after planting of well-watered and fertilized plants grown in controlled environment chambers; cv N75H-GTA
Wijewardana et al. (2016) |
Total plant dry matter 38 days after planting of well-watered and fertilized plants grown in controlled environment chambers; cv N77P-3111
Wijewardana et al. (2016) |
Total plant dry matter 38 days after planting of well-watered and fertilized plants grown in controlled environment chambers under UV-B radiation stress of 10 kJ m-2d-1; cv P1498
Wijewardana et al. (2016) |
Total plant dry matter 38 days after planting of well-watered and fertilized plants grown in controlled environment chambers under UV-B radiation stress of 10 kJ m-2d-1; cv P1319
Wijewardana et al. (2016) |
Total plant dry matter 38 days after planting of well-watered and fertilized plants grown in controlled environment chambers under UV-B radiation stress of 10 kJ m-2d-1; cv DKC 65-81
Wijewardana et al. (2016) |
Total plant dry matter 38 days after planting of well-watered and fertilized plants grown in controlled environment chambers under UV-B radiation stress of 10 kJ m-2d-1; cv DKC 66-97
Wijewardana et al. (2016) |
Total plant dry matter 38 days after planting of well-watered and fertilized plants grown in controlled environment chambers under UV-B radiation stress of 10 kJ m-2d-1; cv N75H-GTA
Wijewardana et al. (2016) |
Total plant dry matter 38 days after planting of well-watered and fertilized plants grown in controlled environment chambers under UV-B radiation stress of 10 kJ m-2d-1; cv N77P-3111
Wijewardana et al. (2016) |
Total plant dry matter 38 days after planting of well-watered and fertilized plants grown in controlled environment chambers under water stress (evaporation-based irrigation treatment maintained at 50 percent of normal); cv P1498
Wijewardana et al. (2016) |
Total plant dry matter 38 days after planting of well-watered and fertilized plants grown in controlled environment chambers under water stress (evaporation-based irrigation treatment maintained at 50 percent of normal); cv P1319
Wijewardana et al. (2016) |
Total plant dry matter 38 days after planting of well-watered and fertilized plants grown in controlled environment chambers under water stress (evaporation-based irrigation treatment maintained at 50 percent of normal); cv DKC 65-81
Wijewardana et al. (2016) |
Total plant dry matter 38 days after planting of well-watered and fertilized plants grown in controlled environment chambers under water stress (evaporation-based irrigation treatment maintained at 50 percent of normal); cv DKC 66-97
Wijewardana et al. (2016) |
Total plant dry matter 38 days after planting of well-watered and fertilized plants grown in controlled environment chambers under water stress (evaporation-based irrigation treatment maintained at 50 percent of normal); cv N75H-GTA
Wijewardana et al. (2016) |
Total plant dry matter 38 days after planting of well-watered and fertilized plants grown in controlled environment chambers under water stress (evaporation-based irrigation treatment maintained at 50 percent of normal); cv N77P-3111
Wijewardana et al. (2016) |
Total plant dry matter 38 days after planting of well-watered and fertilized plants grown in controlled environment chambers under combined UV-B radiation (10 kJ m-2d-1) and drought (evaporation-based irrigation treatment maintained at 50 percent of normal) stress; cv P1498
Wijewardana et al. (2016) |
Total plant dry matter 38 days after planting of well-watered and fertilized plants grown in controlled environment chambers under combined UV-B radiation (10 kJ m-2d-1) and drought (evaporation-based irrigation treatment maintained at 50 percent of normal) stress; cv P1319
Wijewardana et al. (2016) |
Total plant dry matter 38 days after planting of well-watered and fertilized plants grown in controlled environment chambers under combined UV-B radiation (10 kJ m-2d-1) and drought (evaporation-based irrigation treatment maintained at 50 percent of normal) stress; cv DKC 65-81
Wijewardana et al. (2016) |
Total plant dry matter 38 days after planting of well-watered and fertilized plants grown in controlled environment chambers under combined UV-B radiation (10 kJ m-2d-1) and drought (evaporation-based irrigation treatment maintained at 50 percent of normal) stress; cv DKC 66-97
Wijewardana et al. (2016) |
Total plant dry matter 38 days after planting of well-watered and fertilized plants grown in controlled environment chambers under combined UV-B radiation (10 kJ m-2d-1) and drought (evaporation-based irrigation treatment maintained at 50 percent of normal) stress; cv N75H-GTA
Wijewardana et al. (2016) |
Total plant dry matter 38 days after planting of well-watered and fertilized plants grown in controlled environment chambers under combined UV-B radiation (10 kJ m-2d-1) and drought (evaporation-based irrigation treatment maintained at 50 percent of normal) stress; cv N77P-3111
Xie et al. (2018) |
Grain biomass at harvest of plants grown in the field in open-top chambers; cv Zhengdan 958
Xie et al. (2018) |
Grain biomass at harvest of plants grown in the field in open-top chambers; cv Zhengdan 958
Ziska and Bunce (1997) |
Ziska and Bunce (1999) |
Plants grown in controlled environment chambers for three weeks