Journal References
Experimental Conditions
0.0 to 0.09
0.09 to 0.17
0.17 to 0.3
0.3 to 0.5
More than 0.5
Ries et al. (2009)
Survival rate of bay scallops grown for 60 days under normal and reduced pH conditions. pH was altered by the addition of CO2.
Ries et al. (2009)
Survival rate of bay scallops grown for 60 days under normal and reduced pH conditions. pH was altered by the addition of CO2.
Ries et al. (2009)
Survival rate of bay scallops grown for 60 days under normal and reduced pH conditions. pH was altered by the addition of CO2.
Talmage and Gobler (2010)
Survival of Bay Scallop (Argopecten irradians) grown for 38 days under normal and reduced pH conditions. Temperature was 24°C and pH was altered by the addition of CO2.
Talmage and Gobler (2010)
Survival of Bay Scallop (Argopecten irradians) grown for 38 days under normal and reduced pH conditions. Temperature was 24°C and pH was altered by the addition of CO2.