Material in this section originates from the following category in our Subject Index:
Precipitation Trends (Asia)
Material preceded by an asterisk (*) was posted after this subject summary was written and therefore is not included in the summary. This material will be integrated into the summary at a later date.
* -- Four Centuries of Drought Reconstruction in the Western Chinese Loess Plateau
* -- 54 Years of Snowfall Trends in China
* -- A 200-Year Precipitation Proxy from Northwest China
* -- A 500-Year Precipitation Reconstruction for Eastern China
* -- The Evolution of Extremely Heavy Precipitation in Shanghai, China
* -- A 2,000-Year History of Temperature and Precipitation on the Central Tibetan Plateau
* -- A Century of Rainfall Trends Over Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India
* -- Extreme Precipitation Events on the Loess Plateau of China
* -- A Half-Century of Precipitation Trends on the North China Plain
* -- Effects of Global Warming on Precipitation in Guangdong Province, China
* -- Extreme Snow Events Throughout Central and Southern China
* -- A 135-Year Rainfall History of India: 1871-2005
* -- Extreme Precipitation Events in China's Zhujiang River Basin
* -- A Twentieth-Century Rainfall History of India
* -- Japanese Rainfall: Predictions vs. Observations
* -- Two Centuries of Precipitation and Drought Data from Seoul, Korea
* -- Another Record of Asian Monsoon Variability
* -- Reconstructing 1000 Years of Precipitation in China
* -- Discharge Rates of the Danube River
* -- Fifty Years of Precipitation Over China
A 110-Year History of Heavy Precipitation in Tokyo, Japan
Indian Monsoon Rainfall: Effects of Global Warming
Reconstructions of Spring Precipitation in Southwestern Turkey from 1339 to 1998
Precipitation and Streamflow Variability in Northeastern Mongolia