Material in this section originates from the following category in our Subject Index:
Disease (Humans)
Humans (Disease)
Human Pathogens: Their Presence and Prevalence
The Debilitating Disease of Climate Alarmism
The Effect of Climate Change on Malaria in Western Africa
Is Global Warming Driving Outbreaks of Tick-Borne Diseases?
Controlling the Adverse Consequences of Human Pathogens
Global Warming and Malaria: Does the Former Promote the Latter?
Vector-Borne Diseases and Global Change
Dengue Fever in a Warming World
Catastrophic Hydrologic Events of the Holocene in the Middle Reaches of China's Yellow River
Malaria and Tick-Borne Encephalitis in a Warming World
Climatic Change and Atopic Eczema
Atmospheric CO2 Enrichment and Mosquito-Born Diseases
Tick-Borne Diseases: Jumping to Climate Change Conclusions
Atmospheric CO2 Enrichment and Human Heath
Orange Juice Vitamin C Concentration: How Is It Linked to the Air's CO2 Content?
Global Warming and Tick-Borne Encephalitis
Respiratory Diseases and CO2: A Third Perspective
Pollen Production by Ragweed in a Doubled-CO2 Atmosphere
Global Warming and Cheap Fossil Fuels: They're Good for You!
Disability and Death in the Elderly
Malaria On the Rise in Kenya: Is Global Warming To Blame?
Atmospheric CO2 Enrichment Increases Quantity of Plant Biomass Without Sacrificing Quality
Temperature Effects on Coronary Death in a Mild Climate
Siberian Cold Enhances Stroke Occurrence
Global Warming Would Reduce Mortality in Europe
Malaria in a Warmer World: Rational Projections
Societal Impact of Climate Change: Mountain or Molehill?
Live Long and Prosper … With More CO2?
Deaths in the United States Due to Extreme Heat and Cold
CO2 Enhances Plant Production of Cancer-Fighting Substances
Will Global Warming Significantly Increase Malaria Transmission Rates?