Material in this section originates from the following categories in our Subject Index:
Air Pollution (Non-Ozone) -- Effects on Plants
Climate Change (Forcing Factors -- Air Pollution (Non-Ozone): Effects on Plants)
Pollution (Air Pollution (Non-Ozone): Effects on Plants)
Forcing Factors (Air Pollution: Effects on Plants)
Material preceded by an asterisk (*) was posted after this subject summary was written and therefore is not included in the summary. This material will be integrated into the summary at a later date.
* -- CO2 vs. SO2: Effects on Photosynthesis Rates of Field-Grown Soybeans
Sulfur Dioxide Pollution of Russian Forests
Can Atmospheric CO2 Enrichment Ameliorate SO2 Damage in Wheat?
Elevated CO2 Completely Ameliorates SO2 Damage in Soybean
Airborne Transport of Biologically Significant Materials