How does rising atmospheric CO2 affect marine organisms?

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Agriculture (Species - Soybean: CO2 vs. Stress of Air Pollution)

Material in this section originates from the following category in our Subject Index:

Agriculture (Species - Soybean: CO2 vs. Stress of Air Pollution)
Growth Response to CO2 with Other Variables (Ozone: Agricultural Species, Soybean)
Ozone (Effects on Plants: Agricultural Species, Soybean)

Material preceded by an asterisk (*) was posted after this subject summary was written and therefore is not included in the summary.  This material will be integrated into the summary at a later date.


* -- Effects of Ozone on Soybean Yields

* -- Soybean Photosynthesis: Elevated CO2 vs. High Temperatures and Ozone Concentrations

* -- Effect of Elevated CO2 on Photosynthesis of Soybeans Exposed to Elevated Ozone, Air Temperature and Water Stress

* -- The Impact of Ozone Pollution on Soybean Yields

Soybean Pod Yield: Positive CO2 Effect vs. Negative O3 Effect

Decomposition of Soybean Postharvest Residue: Contrasting Effects of Elevated O3 and CO2 Levels

The Battle for Soybean Seed Production: CO2 vs. Ozone

Ozone's Negative Impact on Grain Production in Asia: Can CO2 Help?

Does Elevated Atmospheric CO2 Protect Soybeans Against Ozone Damage?

Anthropogenic CO2 Emissions Could Dramatically Increase Global Agricultural Production By Thwarting the Adverse Effects of Ozone Pollution

Elevated CO2 Completely Ameliorates SO2 Damage in Soybean

Response of Soybean to Elevated CO2 and Ozone

Effects of Elevated CO2 and O3 on Soybean Biomass

Interactive Effects of Elevated CO2 and O3 on Soybean Yield

Interactive Effects of Elevated CO2 and O3 on Soybean Leaf Properties

Interactive Effects of CO2 and Ozone on Soybeans