How does rising atmospheric CO2 affect marine organisms?

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Volume 9 Number 12:  22 March 2006

Temperature Record of the Week
This issue's Temperature Record of the week is from Circleville, OH.  Visit our U.S. Climate Data section to plot and view these data for yourself.

El Niņos: Good, Bad or Indifferent?: What do you think? What do you know?

Medieval Warm Period Record of the Week
This issue's Level 2 Medieval Warm Period Record of the Week is from the Shashi-Limpopo Basin, Southern Africa.  To access the entire Medieval Warm Period Project's database, click here.

Subject Index Summary
Methane (Temperature Implications): What do past relationships between the atmosphere's temperature and its methane and CO2 concentrations imply about climate-alarmist claims of impending catastrophic global warming?

Journal Reviews
The Significance of Long-Term-Persistence in Surface Air Temperature Data: The likely presence of this property in long temperature series puts a whole new face on the interpretation of 20th-century global warming.

The Dark Ages Cold Period in Pacific North America: Following on the heels of the Roman Warm Period, it was an integral part of a pervasive millennial-scale oscillation of climate that subsequently produced the Medieval Warm Period, Little Ice Age and Current Warm Period.

More Hope for Corals in a Warming World: Are they doomed to destruction by rising temperatures? Or is there some way they can just keep "shuffling along"?

Growth Response of a Submerged Aquatic Macrophyte to Atmospheric CO2 Enrichment: The observed productivity enhancement was found to rival that of most terrestrial plants.

CO2, Temperature and Soil Nitrogen Effects on Soybean Seed Isoflavone Concentrations: What do they imply about human health in a future high-CO2 world?