How does rising atmospheric CO2 affect marine organisms?

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Volume 8 Number 14:  6 April 2005

Temperature Record of the Week
This issue's Temperature Record of the week is from Cambridge City, Indiana. Visit our U.S. Climate Data section to plot and view these data for yourself.

The Dark Ages Cold Period in China: Just how cold was it?  And what drastic measures might the cold of that period have prompted the government of the Beiwei Dynasty to take a millennium and a half ago?

Subject Index Summaries
Temperature (Urbanization Effects - General): How widespread is the urban heat island-induced contamination of earth's surface air temperature record?  Data from various parts of the world suggest it is nearly universal, even affecting tiny towns.

Weeds (Parasitic): How does the "balance of power" between parasitic weeds and their host plants shift as the air's CO2 content rises?

Journal Reviews
Arctic Sea Ice Behavior: Arctic sea ice extent decreased significantly from 1988 to 2001, encouraging climate alarmists to claim the decline was caused by CO2-induced global warming.  However ...

Glacier Fluctuations in Tropical Peru: What do they tell us about 20th-century warming?

Winter Temperatures and Mortality in England: How are the two related?  And how does the strength of the relationship compare with the strength of the relationship that prevails in summer?

Salinity, CO2 and Citrus Trees: How does atmospheric CO2 enrichment impact the deleterious consequences of salinity stress in citrus trees?

Atmospheric DMS in Relation to Local Coral Cover: Concomitant measurements of dissolved DMS, water-to-air DMS fluxes, and atmospheric DMS concentrations confirm corals as a significant source of this climatically-important trace gas.