How does rising atmospheric CO2 affect marine organisms?

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Volume 7 Number 4:  28 January 2004

Temperature Record of the Week
This issue's Temperature Record of the week is from Chama, New Mexico. Visit our U.S. Climate Data section to plot and view these data for yourself.

Earth's Temperature History: Putting the 20th Century in Proper Perspective: A new study suggests there is nothing about the global temperature rise that occurred between the Little Ice Age and the Modern Warm Period that requires anthropogenic-induced warming to explain it.

Subject Index Summaries
Climate Oscillations (Millennial Variability: Asia): The vast continent of Asia has a vast amount to tell us about the degree and attribution of 20th-century global warming via the comparison of its climatic history with that of similar warmings of prior millennia and other parts of the world.

Effects of Ozone on Plants (Tree Species: Aspen): Rising ozone concentrations raise havoc with aspen trees in a host of different ways; but concurrent increases in the air's CO2 concentration generally compensate for the negative consequences.

Journal Reviews
Drought and War in Old Mexico: What's the connection?  And is there yet another connection to global warming or cooling?

Subarctic Water Moved South Along US West Coast in 2002: What does this phenomenon either represent or portend?

Berseem Production Boosted by Elevated CO2: This important fodder crop of India looks poised to benefit tremendously from the ongoing rise in the air's CO2 content.

Water Use Efficiency of Temperate Grassland Species Soars in Elevated CO2 Environment: Couch-grass is no "couch potato" when it comes to responding to atmospheric CO2 enrichment, boosting the efficiency by which it uses water in producing organic matter by a truly phenomenal amount.

Do FACE Studies Significantly Underestimate the Growth Responses of Plants to Atmospheric CO2 Enrichment?: This is a question that most scientists have never seriously considered, and one for which they likely never suspected the answer implied by this study.