How does rising atmospheric CO2 affect marine organisms?

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Volume 7 Number 18:  5 May 2004

Temperature Record of the Week
This issue's Temperature Record of the week is from Greensboro, Alabama. Visit our U.S. Climate Data section to plot and view these data for yourself.

Response to a Critique of Our 14 Apr 2004 Editorial: The lead author of "Climate forcing by aerosols - a hazy picture" (Science 300: 1103) claims that our editorial analysis of this important study "distorts and misrepresents" it.  We think differently about the matter and explain why.

Subject Index Summaries
Roman Warm Period (Asia): Far removed from the North Atlantic Ocean, Asia would appear to be an unlikely place for the Roman Warm Period to make its presence felt, if the parochial views of the world's climate alarmists are correct.  But, of course, they are incorrect, and so the Roman Warm Period flexes its climatic muscles there in spectacular fashion, as our brief review of the pertinent scientific literature clearly demonstrates.

Nutrients x CO2 Effects on Plants (Nitrogen - Trees: Aspen): How does the degree of soil nitrogen availability impact the aerial fertilization effect of atmospheric CO2 enrichment on the growth of aspen trees?

Journal Reviews
Aerosol Infrared Forcing of Climate: How significant is it?  And how do state-of-the-art climate models handle it?

The Role of the Wind in Maintaining the Ocean's Thermohaline Circulation: As long as the breezes blow, will the Gulf Stream ever slow?

Down-Regulation of Photosynthesis in CO2-Enriched Air: What causes it?  And can it be altered by genetic manipulation to enable plants to take better advantage of the ongoing rise in the air's CO2 content?

Genetic Variation in Physiological Responses of Red Maple Seedlings to Atmospheric CO2 Enrichment: How significant is it?  And what does it imply about the future growth response and evolution of the species as the air's CO2 content continues to climb?

Water Use Efficiencies of Northern European Trees: How Have They Responded to the Historical Rise in the Air's CO2 Content: They have risen substantially, probably more than most of us would have guessed.