How does rising atmospheric CO2 affect marine organisms?

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Volume 6 Number 40:  1 October 2003

Temperature Record of the Week
This issue's Temperature Record of the week is from Gainsville Lock, Alabama. Visit our U.S. Climate Data section to plot and view these data for yourself.

Effects of CO2 on Forage Quality: As the air's CO2 content continues to rise, what effect will it have on the quality of forage crops?  A team of scientists from the US, UK and New Zealand has conducted an experiment that suggests some detrimental consequences.  We, however, see evidence for just the opposite in their results.

Subject Index Summaries
Sea Level (Difficulties Predicting Change): Climate alarmists are quick to make dramatic predictions of catastrophic increases in sea level, which they attribute to CO2-induced global warming.  A brief review of the pertinent scientific literature, however, suggests that seasoned researchers in the field are nowhere near as sure of themselves on this important point.

Soil Water Status (Growth Chamber Studies): Does atmospheric CO2 enrichment have any effect upon the soil water status of terrestrial ecosystems?  A number of growth chamber studies suggests that it does.

Journal Reviews
Five Hundred Years of Drought and Wetness in the United States: What do they tell us about the highly-advertised claims of the world's climate alarmists relative to warming-induced droughts and floods?

20th Century Warmth in Northern Swedish Lapland: Just how unprecedented was it?

The Mortality-Temperature Relationship of People Living and Dying in Shanghai, China: Would further global warming lead to the deaths of more people in this populous Chinese city?  And what about the past?  How has the rising temperature of the last century likely impacted mortality in Shanghai?

Soil Erosion: The Land's Carbon Conveyer Belt: Nature has a unique but long-maligned way of removing carbon from the atmosphere, transporting it, and then storing it in a reservoir where it can remain for long periods of time in a securely sequestered state.

The Increasing Sensitivity of Corals to Rising Temperatures: Do site-specific anthropogenic stresses predispose corals to greater suffering in response to increases in water temperature?