How does rising atmospheric CO2 affect marine organisms?

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Volume 5 Number 5:  30 January 2002

Temperature Record of the Week
This issue's Temperature Record of the week is from Albemarle, North Carolina. Visit our U.S. Climate Data section to plot and view these data for yourself.

Current Editorial
Global Warmth: A Proven Protection Against Large and Rapid Climate Changes: Climate alarmists continue to spin scare stories of impending climate catastrophe based on hypothetical scenarios of potential climate change that are flatly refuted by real-world data.  In fact, not only are their stories wrong, they're a hundred and eighty degrees out of phase with reality.

Subject Index Summaries
Leaves (Agricultural Species): A brief review of some of the recently published literature suggests that increases in the air's CO2 content will promote changes in leaf characteristics of agricultural plants that will lead to greater rates and higher efficiencies of photosynthesis and growth in these species.

Non-Ozone Air Pollution (Effects on Plants): True air pollutants can dramatically reduce plant productivity.  Enriching the air with CO2, however, can often completely negate the damage.  And when air pollution is not a significant factor, atmospheric CO2 enrichment can greatly stimulate plant growth and development, something one clearly would not expect from a substance that climate alarmists are working overtime to have labeled a pollutant.

Carbon Sequestration Commentary
CO2-Enriched Plants Follow Frugal Dictum of "Waste Not, Want Not" with Respect to Valuable Captured Carbon: Just as a penny saved is a penny earned to us humans, so it is with a gram of carbon to earth's plants; and rising concentrations of atmospheric CO2 tend to make them ever more protective of their most highly-prized resource.

Current Journal Reviews
Thirty-Five Years of Climate Change in Antarctica: According to today's most sophisticated climate models, earth's polar regions should be experiencing considerably more warming than the rest of the globe.  According to today's best set of Antarctic temperature measurements, however, our southernmost continent is not one of the fastest warming places on earth.  In fact, it's not even warming.  In fact, it's actually cooling.  In fact, it's cooling faster than almost any place on earth.  And it's hell for the continent's meager ecosystems.

Climate History of the Southeastern Barents Sea: Sometimes it was warmer than the present; sometimes it was cooler.  But that's how climate is; it varies.  And during the period of time we identify with the Medieval Warm Period, it was ............... do we really need to tell you?  ............. warmer!

Corals That Tolerate High Temperatures: They may be more common than many have imagined.

Elevated CO2 and Soil Nitrogen Enhance Radiation Use Efficiency in Rice: Elevated CO2 stimulated leaf area development in rice early in the growing season.  This increase in leaf area, although transient, helped to produce a 35% enhancement in crop radiation use efficiency.

Farms of the Future: What Should They Grow?: As the air's CO2 content continues to rise, how can commercial agricultural enterprises make the most of this valuable resource?  Scientists with the USDA's Agricultural Research Service are providing some important answers by determining what cultivars of different crops respond most strongly to atmospheric CO2 enrichment.