How does rising atmospheric CO2 affect marine organisms?

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Volume 17 Number 38:  17 September 2014

The January 2014 Circumpolar Vortex Over the Contiguous United States: How unusual - or not - was it?

Subject Index Summary
Water Use Efficiency (Agricultural Species): As the atmosphere's CO2 concentration rises, most plants exhibit increased rates of net photosynthesis and biomass production; and on a per-unit-leaf-area basis, plants exposed to elevated CO2 concentrations are likely to lose less water via transpiration, since they tend to exhibit lower stomatal conductances. Hence, the amount of carbon gained per unit of water lost per unit leaf area - or water-use efficiency - should increase significantly as the air's CO2 content rises; and in this review of the pertinent scientific literature, experimental evidences of this phenomenon are presented for agricultural crops.

Journal Reviews
Modeling the Western Pacific Dynamic Warm Pool Edge: How well do CMIP5 models perform in this regard? Based on 19 model simulations over the period 1950 to 2000, it appears that various aspects of the dynamic warm pool edge or DWPE "remain difficult for coupled models to simulate."

ENSO Asymmetry from CMIP3 to CMIP5 Models: To what extent has its representation been improved, as models have supposedly been improved?

Effects of Minor Coral Bleaching Events on Juvenile Butterflyfishes: According to the researchers who conducted this study, "reef fish communities do appear to exhibit a higher tolerance for bleached coral than initially suspected" and "juvenile coral-feeding fishes are relatively robust to short term effects of bleaching events."

Ecological Impacts of Poleward-Shifting Marine Species: What happens when they encounter other species that don't migrate as fast as they do?

Coccolithophores Can Evolve to Cope With Ocean Acidification: It would appear that adaptive evolution has the potential to mitigate adverse effects of ocean acidification.

A Little-Studied Way by which Corals May Survive Bleaching: Could establishing colonies at deeper-than-usual depths be the answer to their periodic plight?