How does rising atmospheric CO2 affect marine organisms?

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Volume 15 Number 52:  26 December 2012

Eight Decades of Glacier Movements in Southeast Greenland: Have the ice masses been uniformly wasting away and retreating?

Journal Reviews
Drifting Along with the CMIP3 Models: ... as they carry their creators on a frustratingly wild ride that is often far removed from reality.

The Ability to Identify Category 4 and 5 Atlantic Hurricanes with Mid-20th-Century Tools: Were the tools of that earlier age good enough to do a good enough job?

Nine Decades of Daily Precipitation Over Europe's Central Alps: How do the data appear to have been impacted by the global warming of the past century or so?

Dying from Heat and Cold in Chiang Mai, Thailand: Which thermal extreme is the more deadly of the two?

Effects of Ocean Acidification on Marine Coccolithophores: Are they positive or negative?

Lake Restoration in a Warming World: Do rising temperatures help or hinder human efforts to restore freshwater planktonic ecosystems to more primitive and species-rich conditions?

Medieval Warm Period Project
The latest Medieval Warm Period Record comes from Lake Cadagno, Piora Valley, Southern Switzerland.

Ocean Acidification Database
The latest addition of peer-reviewed data archived to our database of marine organism responses to atmospheric CO2 enrichment is Green Sea Urchin [Lytechinus variegatus]. To access the entire database, click here.