How does rising atmospheric CO2 affect marine organisms?

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Volume 15 Number 38:  19 September 2012

First Generation Biofuels: Good or Bad for Man and the Biosphere?: Since we're producing an editorial on the subject, you can probably guess what the answer is without even reading about it. But read it you should.

Subject Index Summary
UV-B Radiation (Effects on Terrestrial Ecosystems): The ongoing rise in the air's CO2 content is a powerful antidote for the deleterious biological impacts that might be caused by an increase in the flux of UV-B radiation at the surface of the Earth due to any further depletion of the planet's stratospheric ozone layer.

Journal Reviews
Chipping Away at the Hockeystick: The consistent and continuous acquisition of new palaeo-climatic data demonstrates ever more convincingly that the IPCC claim that the earth is currently warmer than it has been at any other time throughout the past millennium or more is most probably false.

Three and a Half Centuries of Droughts in the American Southeast: What do the data suggest about the region's vulnerability to this type of extreme weather?

The Little Ice Age in West Antarctica: Was it synchronous with the Little Ice Age in the Northern Hemisphere?

Greening of the Arctic Tundra: As Arctic temperatures have risen over the past four decades, so too has the growth of various forms of the region's vegetation.

The Thermal Optimality of Entire Ecosystems: All of life appears to be programed to be able to positively respond to rising temperatures.

Antioxidant Enzyme Responses of Winter Wheat to Drought Stress: How are they impacted by a doubling of the air's CO2 content?

Medieval Warm Period Project
The latest Medieval Warm Period Record comes from Northern Scandinavia.

Ocean Acidification Database
The latest addition of peer-reviewed data archived to our database of marine organism responses to atmospheric CO2 enrichment is Shiba Shrimp [Metapenaeus joyneri]. To access the entire database, click here.