How does rising atmospheric CO2 affect marine organisms?

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Volume 15 Number 26:  27 June 2012

Will There Be Enough Nitrogen?: Is there enough readily-available nitrogen in earth's soils to sustain the aerial fertilization effect of the ongoing rise in the air's CO2 content? And if not, is it possible to somehow supply that important nutrient to all of the planet's terrestrial vegetation?

Subject Index Summary
Hurricanes (Indian Ocean): Climate alarmists typically claim that tropical cyclones tend to become both more frequent and more intense as planetary temperatures rise; and as a result, scientists continually strive to develop ever better temporal histories of these particular TC characteristics for various ocean basins around the world. We here summarize what they have learned with respect to such storms in the Indian Ocean.

Journal Reviews
Climate Change and Armed Civil Conflict: Does the former typically lead to the latter, as so many climate alarmists contend?

Climate Variability and Civil Strife: Are the two phenomena related? ... or are they independent of each other?

Effects of Ocean Acidification on Motility and Swimming Speed of Sea Urchin Sperm: Do higher atmospheric CO2 concentrations pushing seawater pH downwards enhance or harm these two important attributes of sea urchin sperm?

Warming-Induced Range Shifts of Birds on Tropical Mountains: What do they imply about the abilities of the birds to tolerate significant changes in temperature?

Fine- vs. Coarse-Scale (Envelope) Models of Climate-Induced Vegetation Change: Real-world data from Romania help to identify the more correct of the two approaches.

Effects of Elevated CO2 on the Growth of Marine Algae: Would a decline of a few tenths of a pH unit have much of an impact on their growth rates?

Medieval Warm Period Project
The latest Medieval Warm Period Record comes from Rockall Trough, Northeast Atlantic.

Ocean Acidification Database
The latest addition of peer-reviewed data archived to our database of marine organism responses to atmospheric CO2 enrichment is Purple Sea Urchin [Paracentrotus lividus] (Martin et al., 2011). To access the entire database, click here.