Percent Photosynthesis (Net CO2 Exchange Rate) Increases for
300, 600 and 900 ppm Increases in the Air's CO2 Concentration:

For a more detailed description of this table, click here.

Six hardwood tree species (Betula papyrifera, Populus tremuloides, Acer saccharum, Fagus grandifolia, Pinus strobus, Prunus serotina)

300 ppm
600 ppm
900 ppm
 Number of Results
 Arithmetic Mean
 Standard Error

Individual Experiment Results

Journal References

Experimental Conditions
300 ppm
600 ppm
900 ppm

Sefcik et al. (2007)

Photosynthesis of light saturated seedlings grown for two years in open-top chambers located within a 90-year-old N-limited northern hardwood forest in northern Lower Michigan (USA)



Sefcik et al. (2007)

Photosynthesis of light limited seedlings grown for two years in open-top chambers located within a 90-year-old N-limited northern hardwood forest in northern Lower Michigan (USA)



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