How does rising atmospheric CO2 affect marine organisms?

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Lake Montcortès, Northeast Spain
Corella, J.P., Brauer, A., Mangili, C., Rull, V., Vegas-Vilarrúbia, T., Morellón, M. and Valero-Garcés, B.L. 2012. The 1.5-ka varved record of lake Montcortes (southern Pyrenees, NE Spain). Quaternary Research 78: 323-332.

Working with the uppermost 543 cm of a sediment core extracted from the deepest point of Lake Montcortès in Northeast Spain (42°19.50'N, 0°59.41'E) that spanned the last 1548 years, the authors assessed calcite layer thickness, calcite internal sub-layering, frequency and thickness of detrital layers and geochemical proxies (Ti, P and Fe/Mn ratio), which they say "reflect changes in water temperature, seasonality, trophic state of the lake, and erosion rates in the catchment of the lake," which analyses led them to conclude that warmer conditions prevailed during the MWP, which they associate with the period AD 1010-1322, and which they say is "coherent with most paleoclimatic reconstructions in [the] NE Iberian Peninsula."