How does rising atmospheric CO2 affect marine organisms?

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Coral Bleaching Follows Rapid Warming
Jones, R.J.  1997.  Changes in zooxanthellar densities and chlorophyll concentrations in corals during and after a bleaching event.  Marine Ecology Progress Series 158: 51-59.

What was done
The author of this paper studied a coral bleaching event in the Great Barrier Reef that followed a rapid increase in sea water temperature.

What was learned
Average daily sea water temperatures measured approximately one month prior to the bleaching event were around 28°C.  Sea water temperatures increased over the next week and leveled off at 29.5°C for the week following, after which they again rose by an additional 2.5°C over an eight-day period, following which bleached corals were observed.

What it means
This study demonstrates the link between rapid warming and coral bleaching.

Reviewed 1 April 1999